Chlorblue® is the new standard for Townsville City Council

Vinidex Chlorblue® is delivering clean, safe drinking water to Townsville’s residents.
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Chlorblue Townsville, QLD


Vinidex Chlorblue®



Asset Owner

Townsville City Council

Project background

In 2018, the Plastics Industry Pipe Association (PIPA) published industry guideline POP018 –- Polyethylene Drinking Water Pipes in Contact with Chlorine and Chloramine Disinfectants. The document pointed out that, in a small number of regions in Australia (mostly northern Australia), certain factors like aggressive water chemistry and environmental conditions could shorten the lifespan of the polyethylene (PE) pipes carrying treated drinking water.


The challenge

As some PE piping systems were failing prematurely and costing significant time and money to repair and maintain, Townsville Water and Waste reviewed their specification and installation practices within the Townsville City Council.

The review identified several factors that could adversely affect the service life of smaller-diameter PE pipelines in the area.


The solution

Based on the results of the review, and in alignment with the new PIPA POP018 guidelines, Townsville Water and Waste updated its pipeline specifications to include Vinidex Chlorblue®.

Vinidex Chlorblue® has a much higher chlorine resistance classification (CC2) compared to traditional PE100 materials. It is suitable for water temperatures of up to 33°C and can be used in a much larger range of temperature zones without needing to increase pipe size or pressure classification.

Townsville Water and Waste now requires all council-delivered DN25 to DN63 PE pipeline projects (either directly or via a contractor) include Vinidex Chlorblue® or an equivalent product. A Group Alliance with representatives from surrounding North Queensland Councils has been formed to adopt a common specification in the future.