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  • Repair kit for containing residual water during repair and installation work on d 90 – d 900 HD-PE water pipes.
  • Consisting of a universal repair set with pump, pressure gauge, drill, connecting hose, and additionally repair balloons for each pipe dimensions.
  • Optional extension set consisting of additional connection hose and pressure gauge.
  • From pipe dimensions d 355 the drilling equipment FWAB XL 225 (Vinidex Code 89209) is required.
  • The repair set up to d 225 requires VVS repair and reinforcing saddles
  • Pipe dimensions from d 250 require VSC-TL or RS-XL repair saddles
  • Prices and availability on request.
Vinidex Code Friatool Code Dimension Description
89217 613701 universal Repair set
89218 613715 universal Extension set
89219 613702 d 90 - d 180 Repair balloon type 1 90-180
89220 613703 d 200 - d 315 Repair balloon type 2 200-315
89221 613704 d 355 - d 450 Repair balloon type 3 355-450
89222 613705 d 500 - d 560 Repair balloon type 4 500-560
89223 613706 d 630 Repair balloon type 5 630
89224 613707 d 710 Repair balloon type 6 710
89225 613708 d 800 Repair balloon type 7 800
89226 613709 d 900 Repair balloon type 8 900